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North is Hack the North’s frontend component library, built for use in React.

Check it out

👉👉👉 See all the components 👈👈👈



First, install the package in your project:

$ npm install --save @hackthenorth/north

Defining a theme

North components derive their styling from a theme definition file.

When creating a theme for North, you can provide the following in your theme definition:

An example of a theme definition can be found in src/themes/storybook.ts, and more detailed schemas can be found through the TypeScript interface definitions in the source code.

Providing theme to components

After your theme has been defined, provide it to North by wrapping your application with a North provider component.

// yourApp.js
import { North } from "@hackthenorth/north"; // import the provider
import YOUR_THEME_DEFINITION from "path/to/your/theme-def/file"; // your theme definition file

const App = () => (
  <North themeDefinition={YOUR_THEME_DEFINITION}>
    // rest of your app here...

Using components

To use a themed North component:

import { Card } from "@hackthenorth/north"; // import the component

// ...your component...
return <Card mods="YOUR_MODIFIER_NAME" />;
// ...your component...

The modifier name should be defined in your theme definition under the modifiers property of the component you’re using.



First, clone the repo:

$ git clone
$ cd north

Then install dependencies and get it running:

$ npm install
$ npm start

Navigate to localhost:9001 in your browser. This will load the Storybook documentation for North, where you can see every component in the North component library.

Adding a new component

Here’s a handy dandy checklist to cover when you’re adding a new component:

Releasing a new version

When changes are ready to be released, do the following:

  1. Make a pull request from master into release
  2. Prefix your pull request title with one of [major]|[minor]|[patch] based on the changes and (very roughly) according to semantic versioning
  3. Merge once all CI/checks pass

The hackthenorth-platform bot will automatically tag the release based on the previous version and your prefix before building and publishing the new version of the package to npm.

Tech stack

Components are built with React, and written in TypeScript. Tests are written in Jest, and test functionality as well as snapshot comparisons. The website is just an instance of Storybook, deployed to Github Pages by Buildkite every time we publish a new version. Rollup is used to create the published package.

We use styled-components to apply styles and for the theming ability that it provides.

Deprecated components

The Carousel, Dropdown, Gallery, and ProgressBar components are deprecated and removed as of version1.0` of North.


Check out the 2019 shitlist as a starting point.